Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Rise and Fall of 2012

The year 2012 is fast approaching. Let us everyone, make sure our affairs are in order by then. There is plenty of time. Pay the bills, become debt free. Besides, it was only by the grace of God that we survived "Y2K" anyway.

Of course I'm being a bit sarcastic. Aside from the astrology angle, nothing will come of the year 2012. Nothing solid anyhow. No rouge planet entering our solar system and passing by so close that it will reek havoc on our gravitational field.

There may be a spiritual shift around that time. But that is for the spiritual beings. I think for the most part, as far as the mundane world is concerned, it will be a non-event. The mundanes will get up, go to work, same as any other day. They do not care much for the extraordinary. They didn't believe the hype concerning Y2K.

And they were right...

The mundanes will be confident that 2012 will be a year that will come and go, much like the others. And it will... For them.

After all.. the linear nature of that calender dictates that it end somewhere. If not 2012 then another year.

2012 is for us. As Spiritual beings, we should become ready for this magical point in time. To shed the shackles of a mundane world, if just for a season. To cleanse our spirit and begin to become more receptive of the spiritual world. To strive to learn from the guides who have traveled the road before us.

But I am afraid that 2012 will be a non-event for us also. The Demiurge has it's Archons to keep human beings distracted, so that we might not wake up and see the truth. I wonder what big distraction will occur around the magic day.

However.. maybe we can turn things to our advantage. Reclaim the Mass. Use the power of attraction to effect major change in this world. Start a movement. Use the power of mass prayer, or mass spell work, or mass thought, or whatever fits. We would all need to be in harmony. Time and focus should be the same. The more minds that work in harmony, the higher the chance of success.

I wonder how the Archons of the Demiurge would scramble about, as more and more minds became lucid and began reclaiming that which belongs to them... sparks of life.

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